Number Four (4) Compatibility (Numerology)


Your romantic style

Number Four is very predictable, solid and faithful. You are the one who will think very carefully about a relationship before you even get involved with the person in the first place.

You want a serious attachment, not just a casual fling because security is very important to you. A lover who helps you feel grounded and secure is one which you will keep around you. If on the other hand, you find someone who is non-committal, this will make you feel totally insecure and is the worst type of relationship for you.

You need a partner who is also a good friend. A solid friendship is what you consider is the basis of a wonderful relationship. You will commit very quickly if you find the perfect person for you.

You have an earthy sexuality and sensuality, which your partner will appreciate. Your long-term partner is the one who benefits from this side of you.

You are very caring and loving in relationships, but you have a need for controlling your partners and the course of your relationship. You need to let go of the reins of control a bit more and realize that you can have a good relationship without total control.

You are more likely than any other number, to marry into money.

Your Most Compatible Partners

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