Five of Wands Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)

Five of Wands

Five of Wands shows five men fighting with their wands. The men are all in conflict and fighting each other in a free-for-all. It appears that none of the men have any foresight nor can they see that they need to just put down their wands and talk.

This card represents conflict, struggle and difficulties. There are many disagreements and dissatisfaction around.

Five of Wands General Meaning

The Five of Wands asks you to utilize all the perseverance, courage, patience and strength of spirit you can muster in order to see you through your current issues. However, it also advises you to seek inner peace as a model for living in future. Take responsibility for your part in previous conflicts and try to join forces with others rather than oppose them in future, as this is likely to gain you greater success and is a healthier way to live.

Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?

Five of Wands in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:

Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?

Five of Wands in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:

More Suit of Wands Tarot Cards

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