Tarot Card of the Day (Card of the Day)

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Friday 26th of April 2024

Three of Pentacles shows a builder that has completed his work at the church and is waiting for his payment. He has worked very hard and produced beautiful handiwork, so he deserves to be rewarded with money and praise.

This card shows that any physical work (building, art, DIY, renovations) are well aspected and will be completed successfully to the benefit of all.

This card represents that success will come through hard work and effort in any area.

Three of Pentacles General Meaning

The Three of Pentacles asks you to get stuck in to the work which is front of you. The glorious days of ideas and inspiration are over and what is left? The grind. Oh dear. It's so tempting to just focus on another idea, another plan, another dream. To get past this hurdle you need to trust that the day to day grind can be enjoyable too - but in a different (and to begin with less obvious) way. Remember to keep the "big picture" in mind at all times: you are making your dreams come true. That is the stuff of heroes.

Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?

Three of Pentacles in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:

Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?

Three of Pentacles in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:

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